Well Dakota had his last home game for 2009,He also had a GREAT GAME! We are all proud of him and can't wait to go to out east and to Itally to watch him play this summer! Can't belive my little brother is Graduating!
Brandt boy also had a great time, evertime he would hear uncle koda's name he would clap. When dakota hit his HR brandt couldn't stop Clapping, here he is crawling after a liitle bug he turned around just in time for me to take a picture!

After the Game we had a little dinner with my family, and the Sharps. We also invited the boys from the baseball team and just some of their friends, some kids didn't show up becuase they had other stuff to do. But anyway Dakota and Lewis have been joined at the hip for a very long time. And now they are about to Graduate, Well Lewis likes Boston and Dakota like NY so my mom and dad and Chip and Liz Bought Dakota and Leiws tickets to a Red Sox Yankee game in New York! They were Stoked! But not only were they going to one game Blake and I bought tickets to a second game with the Angels, that was our gift to Dakota and Lews. So This coming saturday after the games we will all (Blake, me, mom,dad,dakota,lews and brandt) be driving to SLC, Flying to NYC and comong back on Tuesday! We all can't wait!

after they found out!
And good luck Broncos in the Playoffs!!!!!!!!