Well Blake surprised me this week with an early Aniversery gift. We will be Married two years in October but he couldn't keep it in anylonger...Ever since i was little i grew up liking the Oakland Raiders so he is taking me to Oakland to sit in the famous Black hole! On the 5th row! I am so excited we have officially been to all mine and his favorite teams home fields/quarts..the only team we have different are our football teams..we won't mention who he likes lol. We have been to Boston and sat in Fenway to watch the RedSox, ofcourse the Utah Jazz and now the Raiders. I am so stoked!!!
We will also be visiting my brother, he got a baseball scholarship to Patten Univirsity. My parents took him out there this past weekend. We was way excited and so were we. We also can't wait to fly down and watch some baseball! Now on the the boy who run's my life...Brandt! He has hit this age where everything is funny..even when we are trying to dicipline him...sometimes he is just to cute and we can't help but laughing..he is trying to talk more than ever...he has a few works and little sentences here are a few.......when he feel a booger in his nose or get one out he come and tells us.."Mom/dad Ca Ca!" we are trying to potty train but he likes going out side or in the house, taking his diaper off going 1 or 2 coming and getting us and saying "peee" or "Pooo". He can't live without his bat and ball..we have almost had to replace lights already..he keeps us busy but we cant get enought of him!!!HE was putting this box on his head on the way back from Grand Junction this weekend...he would say "mom!" and I would have to say "what? Oh no where is Brandt?" he would be quiet and yell mom al over again..we did that for about on hour till he fell alseep! lol
WHen you tell him to Smile he sucks his tummy in and makes the funniest faces!