SO blake and my dad went up north today (Friday), and my mom and i were going to take brandt to the Parade. He has been sick for about a week and he finally was looking and acting better last night and this morning. And plus it was warmer today unlike the past couple of days we have had. So we were excited to just hang out...well we were parked by the Post Office my mom went to mail a box to Dakota, so Brandt and I decided to follow. He doesn't like to hold mommies hand anymore..we started of holding hands but then he wanted to run to his "nana" so the second i let go he happend to stub his toe, just my luck it all happend that SECOND! He fell head first onto the side walk where the cement was broken up and the rocks from the cement were loose......I picked him up and you could see right where that ONE rock made a good cut! It started bleeding like crazy I hurried and called my mom, she was carrying a tissue because brandt still had a little runny nose, if we didn't have that to put pressure on his little head he would have bled alot worse than he did... I was freaking out..thank goodness my mom was there to help me with Brandt plus keep my under control...We hurry and got in the truck and i swear it was the longest drive down main St. but I was going about 55!!! My mom was telling me to slow down but excuse my french "Slow down my Ass!!" i later told her i was sorry, but it all happend so fast, and i guess it could have been worse than it was, but he is my first and my baby that i was just so SAD!!!! We finally got to the ER my mom was so calm...she was telling me about when she took Dakota in about Brandt's age to get stitches, and when i got them too...I sighned all the papers , My mom then asked me if i would be okay to handle it and there was no way i could..i went outside and called Blake, Him and my dad were between Greenriver and Price. He was worried just like any dad would be but i told him he was fine and i would call him after he was done. All in all Bubba boy got 2 stitches and 2 Lollie Pops! The nurse said that he was totally fine when he seen those Lollie Pops! He took a nap and woke up 2 hours later...he is doing alot better than i thought he would. Alot better than me anyway ha ha. I managed to take one picture of him...so here he is my Tough Little baby Boy!
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