I can not tell you how much I love this little boy. He will be 2 years old in 3 weeks and I just know i am going to cry. Here are a few things he loves and likes to do.
* He has to watch Barney every morning.
* In the afternoon he loves spongebob.
*He loves his Bat and Ball and runs around the house and doesn't forget to Slide into home Plate Yelling "SATE!" that means Safe lol.
*He has two hunting guns and goes around the house yelling "Boom! Boom! PAPA DEEER!" ANd loves to do the elk noise!
* He loves watching Baseball, Football and Basketball, Oh and George Lopez...He thinks it is his Grandpa on Tv (we all think my dad looks like George).
* He loves his Daddy's , Papa's and "Uncle Doda's" (Koda's) Trucks. And he can tell you which one is which.
* If you ask him what color anything is he will tell you!
* He says "Un ..Do.. Tra!" for One, Two, THree when he wants to jump off somthing.
There is so much more i could put down but i just wanted to put up some pictures of when he was a baby ...i was looking at these the other day and i do have to say he is still stinking cute!
You can see when he was born he had Brown hair
THen it went to Red
Now he is totally BLONDE! haha
But we love him and wouldn't have him any other way!

Crap! I forgot to check the Oven!

Oh No Worries we Still got at least 7 1/2 more months left for Oven to Ring :)
Yay! Congratulations! Brandt is so cute. I love all his blonde hair.