So i was folding clothes and realized i couldn't hear Brandt, I went into his room to see if he was watching barney or playing with his toys..he wasn't in there. Went down stairs, not there either. Went into the Kitchen where i had just cleaned out his fish tank and was waitng for Blake to call me back to tell me where the clean filters were when i walked in and Brandt had decided to poor the WHOLE CAN OF FISH FOOD IN THE WATER!!!!!
I had to hurry and get those fish out! But the thing is i couldn't see them for the life of me!!!! CAN YOU SEE THEM??? Yes they are in there! It is hard enough getting them out when you can see them, but this took me like 10 min just to find and grab the fish. Thank goodness Blake was in SLC and could get more food..but they might not need anymore if they are DEAD by tomorrow from having a All You Can Eat Buffet today.....Poor Chester and Cheto...

I thought i was going to throw up, i can't believe i didn't.
Here are just some random pics of brandt. He has been on one sooooo bad! I could pull out my is is eating my brand new Victoria Seceret Lotion..

Now I know I talk alot about Brandt liking Baseball..I dont' think people realize how much this kid loves the game...He Prays for his bat, ball, glove and his hat before he goes to bed. When he wakes up he wants to watch a baseball game.. He learned how to spit from the movie "SandLot" he takes a bath/shower with a bat and ball..and this is how i found him last night...
We just love him to death!

Note his baseball PJ's....
When we got into the house we are in, it wasn't in the best shape so while we were remodeling a little brandt decided it was time to play.....

With all the snow we had here is a pic of what he liked to where when he went out side...he lost his gloves so we used dad's socks, 3pairs i might add lol
along with two beanies. 3 sweatshirts (Plus his winter coat) and 3 different pairs of pants...:)

Can i just say as much as this kid makes me want to pull my hair out i wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He gives my belly kisses all the time and says "Momma, me kiss baby sister.." just can't wait to have these two meet! 98 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!