But what you see if what you get...I have had it..I can't stand anymore of the heat..but then when it rains it just gets humid. We are almost moved into the new house and it stinks because i can't even bend down to pick things up..both of my doctors said that is a good thing because they dont' even want me to walk let alone put things away..but it is so hard not to.
Brandt has hit the TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TWO'S! I think he knows his baby sister is coming soon and i really can't control him anymore..Blake works from 7am-6pn so it is just me and Brandt..i love him to death but lately i have just wanted to throw him outside and let him play all day...The baby is coming soon and we don't even have our crib, or crib bedding, and we are delivering up north...my mind is just going 100mph..
I can't sleep anymore between my allergies and not being able to breath, to her kicking me all night then about 4:30 brandt will come crawl in bed with us..if i wasn't HUGE i would take him and put him back in his bed, but i can't lift him so then i have him kicking me.. then having to pee every 2 hours....next thing you know the sun and coming up..Well enough of my venting...as you know from my last post our camera was stolen the last time we were up north, so this horrible picture was taken with my phone..bare with me..Here i am at 35 weeks. THis is the week i had brandt, so i am being careful not to do anything that could put me into labor..I hope she can hold of until next Thursday because that is when i will be up north for good until she decides to join us!
The joys of pregnancy ;) Dreading Ryder to be as big as Brandt and naughty lol.. Hopefully your little girl with be super sweet.. Good luck with everything hope you can hold off until your up here too.